Hidden Fires, performed by the Theatre Ensemble of St Mira’s College for Girls as part of the “Glorious 60 - Diamond Jubilee Celebration”
Hidden Fires, performed by the Theatre Ensemble of St Mira’s College for Girls as part of the “Glorious 60 - Diamond Jubilee Celebration”
To mark the completion of 60 glorious years of St. Mira’s College for Girls, Pune, as part of
a year-long celebration, the Theatre Ensemble students of the College, under the supervision
of guest lecturer Hartman de Souza, performed a play, Hidden Fires, by the eminent
playwright Manjula Padmanabhan. This is part of the theatre course conducted by the
college which has a tradition of staging plays annually and now aspires to do so biannually.
From the 18 th of October 2022 to the 21 st of October the students staged 6 performances at
11am and 1pm for students of junior and senior colleges from across the city at St Mira’s
College Auditorium. These were open, public, performances to spread awareness about the
need for an inclusive environment. It was a platform for passionate, fiery, young women to
share their concerns and beliefs on stage reaching out and connecting to other young people
to build a peaceful and compassionate future.
The acting, production, marketing and management was all handled by all 25 of the Theatre
Ensemble students themselves. Around 800 students, from other educational institutes and
St. Mira’s College both Junior and Degree College, friends and family attended the
performances. It was truly a “Glorious 60 - Diamond Jubilee Celebration”