St. Mira's College For Girls, Pune

Autonomous - Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University * Undertaking

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Re-accredited by NAAC 'A' Grade (Third Cycle June 2017) 2017 : NAAC score 3.41 2012 : NAAC score 3.03 Awarded: Best College-SPPU (2002); , UGC-CPE (2005), UGC-CPE (2010)


Sports Participation Report 2021-2022

Report 2021-2022

Department of Physical Education and Sports- Acrobatics Rock N Roll Workshop

The Department of Physical Education and Sports and Acrobatics Rock N Roll Federation of India had jointly organised the “Acrobatics Rock N Roll Workshop” for one week from 19th April to 25th April 2021. This workshop was conducted for all the students. The main purpose of this workshopwas to motivate and to create awarenessabout fitness through dance in day-to-day life, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Sandip Londhe (International Player, Acrobatics Rock and Roll, Indian Coach, Choreographer). Acrobatics is acombination of dance and gymnastics. It is used in performing arts, sporting events and martial arts. It is the performance of the human feats of balance, agility and motor- coordination.One hour of the acrobatics practical session was conducted daily and different dance steps were taught to the girls. A total of 40 girls attended the inauguration session of the workshop and 10 girls completed the workshop. The workshop began with warm-ups and ended with a cool-down session. This workshop was a kindof stress relief for the students. The girls enjoyed themselves and made small videos of their dance activity. An e-certificate was awarded to all the participants who completed the workshop.The program was coordinated by Mrs. Ekta Jadhav, Director of Physical Education and Sports.

Department of Physical Education and Sports- Physical Fitness @ Home Program

The Department of Physical Education and Sports had organisedan online“Physical Fitness @ Home Program” for the entire duration of the first semester of 2020-21. This program started on 27th July 2020 and lasted till 25th December2020. The workshop was conducted for all the students as well as staff members. The main purpose of thePhysical Fitness @ Home Program was to improve the physical fitness and immunity system of allthe participants through daily exercise at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Daily exercise makes one physically, mentally and emotionally strong. The program also developed fitnessas a habit and created awareness of a healthy lifestyle among the participants.The activities reducedstress, improved posture, stamina and personality.The daily fitness workout was conducted by Mrs. Ekta Jadhav, director of Physical Education, St. Mira’s College. Initially, the program was conducted in two batches,morning and evening and later only an evening batch was run to accommodate the college schedule. All types of physical activities like cardio training, aerobics, Zumba, leg and hand strength training (without and with equipment), core training, chair exercises, tag exercise, Yoga, Pranayama and meditation were conducted. Guest lectures on Diet and Nutrition, Resistance Training, Power Yoga, lifestyle habits were also conducted. Many students and staff members took advantage of this program and actively participated and enjoyed all the fitness sessions.The program was coordinated by Mrs. Ekta Jadhav, Director of Physical Education and Sports.

Department of Physical Education and Sports - Webinar on Mental Health and Physical Fitness during and after Covid-19 Pandemic

The Department of Physical Education and Sports had organised a Webinar on “Mental Health and Physical Fitness during and after Covid-19 Pandemic”on 03rd March 2021 under the program Fit India Movement and Physical Fitness @ Home. This webinar was conducted for all the students and staff members. This webinar aimed to create awareness among the students about exercise as essential for maintaining mental health and physical fitness during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Yogesh Bodake(Assistant Professor, Chandrashekhar Agashe College of Physical Education, Pune) was the resource person for the webinar.He holds a Ph.D. in Physical Education from Pune University. The global outbreak of the coronavirus has adversely affected the physical and mental health of the people and physical activity is necessary to cope with the physical and mental problems that may arise even after the health crisis is over. At the beginning of the lecture, he explaining the importance of mental health and its direct effects on physical fitness. The uncertainty caused by corona and work from home has reduced physical activity, increasing the risk of obesity. Children had to be educated online while teachers had to be educators online. Overall, everyone's screen time has increased. This has led to problems such as loss of physical activity, loss of muscle strength and weight gain. He also elaborated on correct sitting postures while attending lectures or watching them on mobiles and theircorrective measures.

He also said that there is no alternative to exercise to maintain physical and mental health. If you are prohibited from going out due to the lockdown, you can do many exercises at home.Planning your daily exercise - what and how much to do is possible with the help of different fitness applications on the mobile phone.We should aim to walk ten thousand steps every day, and keep a record of it through a mobile app, first by day, then by week, then by month and finally by the year. We have to take care of our health. He also said that “the best way to stay healthy and control weight is to eat a low calorie, square diet and we should avoid fatty foods and exercise regularly”.

Mrs. Ekta Jadhav (Director of Physical Education) introduced the resource person, Mrs. Suvarna Pathak (Physical Education Teacher) offeredthe vote of thanks. Sports Coach, Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee Ms. Gurbaans Kaur and all other staff members were present for the webinar.

Department of Physical Education and Sports - Webinar on Practical Session of “Reminiscing Everest”

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organised a Webinar on “Reminiscing Everest” on 2nd November 2020 under the program Physical Fitness @ Home and Fit India Movement. The webinar was conducted for all students and staff members; more than 100 participants attended. The webinar aimed to create awareness and inspire the students about adventure sports. Mr. Umesh Zirpe, (Shiv Chhatrapati Awardee and also the Founder Director of Giripremi Institute of Mountaineering) was the resource person for the webinar. He has participated in more than 40 Himalayan expeditions during his career. He is known for leading successful expeditions on seven of the top fourteen 8000 metres peaks in the world including Mount Everest and Mount Kanchenjunga. He is the first and the only Indian mountaineer to achieve this feat. He shared first-hand information on mountaineering. He gave an impetus to all: It’s only through sheer determination, hard work and confidence one can achieve goals. Mr. Zirpe said that mountaineering is a sport where one’s physical as well as mental strength faces challenges at multiple levels: decision making in rough situations, team spirit, optimistic outlook, caring attitude, ability to anticipate risks and dangers and make ways through them with determination, etc. He explained that not necessarily everyone should aspire to become a mountaineer; even when studying, one can pursue some adventure in his/her life and gain immensely valuable self-development.

The webinar was organized under the able guidance of the Principal Dr. Gulshan Gidwani. Ms. Suvarna Deolankar offered the introduction and vote of thanks; Ms. Ekta Jadhav coordinated the webinar. Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee Ms. Gurabans Kaur and all other staff members were present.

Department of Physical Education and Sports- Webinar on Healthy Lifestyle in the Pandemic

The Department of Physical Education and Sports had organised a Webinar on “Healthy Lifestyle in the Pandemic Situation” on 18 th September 2020 under the program Physical Fitness @ Home. This webinar was conducted for all the students and staff members. More than 250 participants benefitted from the webinar. The webinar aimed create awareness among students about healthy lifestyle habits in this pandemic.

Dr. Mahesh Deshpande (Assistant Professor, Chandrashekhar Agashe College of Physical Education, Pune) was the resource person for the webinar. He holds a Ph.D. in Physical Education from Pune University.  At the beginning of the lecture, he explained the importance of Annamaya Kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijnanamaya Kosha and Anandamaya Kosha; through yoga, not only the body but also the mind is kept healthy and Yoga leads you to bliss. He also explained the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. He emphasised awareness about these in recent times, as due to the lockdown and increased Corona prevalence the use of computers and other modern technology has increased.  As a result of this, the incidence of various ailments- eye strain and back pain is increasing among the students. He offered guidance on preventive measures.

He also discussed the prevention of obesity and its health effects.  Obesity is not just a disease but a major cause of many other ailments.  He cited the WHO recommendations on 300 minutes of moderate or 150-200 minutes of intensity movements every week.  He suggested running, cycling, swimming, trekking, group exercise, aerobics, yoga, dance, or a variety of sports. He suggested that in the present times, it is possible to do Yogasana and Suryanamaskar at home, so one should develop a routine and maintain it.  If it is not possible to exercise every day, it is important to do as much physical activity as possible.

The programme was coordinated by the faculty of the Department of Physical Education - Mrs. Ekta Jadhav (Director of Physical Education), Ms Suvarna Pathak (Physical Education Teacher) and the sports coach, Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee Ms. Gurabans Kaur.

Department of Physical Education and Sports- Webinar on Practical Session of Power Yoga and its benefits

The Department of Physical Education and Sports had organised a webinar on “Practical session on Power Yoga and its Benefits” on 16 th October 2020 under the program Physical Fitness @ Home and Fit India Movement. The webinar conducted for all the students and staff members saw more than 100 participants take advantage of it. The webinar aimed to create awareness among the students about the benefits of Power Yoga in day to day life.

Dr. Manali Deo (International Level Yoga Coach, Player and Referee, Founder Director Mind and Body Yoga Institute, Pune) was the resource person for the webinar.  Power Yoga is a series of different asanas. The practical session started with mild warm-up exercises and then simple to complex series of asanas were performed. Dr. Deo explained the benefits of asanas in combatting various diseases. Power yoga is very useful to boost the immune system, especially in this pandemic. It builds muscles, improves stamina, posture, flexibility, concentration, etc. It is a whole-body workout which we can perform at home.

Mrs. Ekta Jadhav (Director of Physical Education) introduced the resource person. Suvarna Pathak (Physical Education Teacher) offered the vote of thanks along with the Sports Coach, Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee, Ms. Gurabans Kaur, and all other staff members present.

6 th International Yoga Day, 21 st June 2020 - Department of Physical Education & Sports

The 6 th International Yoga Day was celebrated by St. Mira's College for Girls virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To create awareness among the students and staff, the Department of Physical Education and Sports organised an online practical webinar on Yoga in two different sessions. A total of 148 students and staff members actively participated in the live practical webinar. This year the theme of Yoga Day was " Yoga at Home, Yoga with Family". As we know Yoga is a very important and useful activity especially in this pandemic as it boosts the immune system and keeps us healthy.

The chief guest was our senior-most sports coach, Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee Ms. Gurabans Kaur. The program started with a brief introduction to Yoga and its importance in life by Mrs. Suvarna Deolankar. Followed by the practical sessions which included prayer, different Yoga postures such as Sukshma Vyayama, Tadasana, Vrukshasana, Padahastasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Trikonasana, Bhadrasana, Ardha Ushtrasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Pawanmuktasana, Setu Bandhasana, etc. and ended with Kapalbhati, Anulom Viloma, Bhramari Pranayam and Dhyana. The protocol followed was as given by the AYUSH Government of India was strictly adhered to. The programme was conducted by the director of Physical Education, Mrs. Ekta Jadhav.

Department of Physical Education and Sports- National Sports Day 2020

The Department of Physical Education and Sports had organised a Fun-Fitness Challenge Competition on the occasion of “National Sports Day” on 29 th August 2020. This competition was conducted for all the students and for staff members according to an age-category and event-wise so that everyone could actively participate. The events were: 1-minute sit-ups, 1- minute push-ups, 1-minute squats, 1-minute burpee jumps, 1-minute skipping, 1-minute Suryanamaskar and any 4 Yoga Asanas poses. The age categories were 16 to 18, 19 to 21, 22 to 24, 25 to 30, 31 to 40, 41 to 50, 51 to 60 years. The main purpose of this event was to check the fitness level of the participants and to create awareness about Physical Fitness in our day to day lives. A total of 79 participants took part actively in one or more events in this competition.

The prize distribution ceremony was conducted by the Chief Guest Mrs. Rekha Bhide (Arjun Awardee, Shiva Chatrapati Awardee, Former Olympian in women’s Hockey) who has more than 35 years’ experience in the field of sports as a player, manager and official. She shared her experiences and guided the students on fitness and sports. She said that we have to dream big and have to work on it accordingly to achieve our dreams. She also motivated the students to practice and make their own videos and to analyse them and make their own corrections in this Pandemic. To become a good sportsman requires hard work, devotion, passion, belief in oneself, readiness and to prepare for sacrifices, and the most important self- discipline. She also said that there are no shortcuts in sports or any field - "Hard work can beat talent when talent doesn't work hard." E- certificates were distributed to all the winners.

The programme was coordinated by the faculty of the Department of Physical Education - Mrs. Ekta Jadhav (Director of Physical Education), Ms Suvarna Pathak (Physical Education Teacher) and the sports coach, Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee Ms. Gurabans Kaur.

About the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Physical activity and fitness is very necessary for day to day life, especially in the youth. Playing a sport allows them to stay physically fit. It decreases the likelihood of obesity in today’s youth, and it promotes overall health and wellness. It is a way to relieve stress.

St. Mira’s College has a dynamic Department of Physical Education and Sports that offers a vast array of sports. While the main objective is to promote and generate awareness of physical fitness among all the girls to ensure their physical, mental and emotional health, the department also keenly nurtures sports talent through special coaching in various games throughout the year. The department encourages the girls to participate competitively in diverse sports and moreover inculcates the spirit of sportsmanship in them.

Student-athletes at St. Mira’s get to enjoy some of the finest infrastructure facilities. Our outdoor facilities include a movable basketball half court, throwball, and volleyball court, kabaddi and handball ground, 50 mts. running track, long jump pit, shotput and discus ring, an outdoor badminton court and a ring tennis court. The indoor facilities include a gym with 2 cardio machines, a rowing machine, 6 station multi-gym, medicine balls, dumbbells, Swiss ball, weight plates, leg press machines, exercise box, cones, mats, table tennis table, chess board etc. Upgradation of the facilities with new and advanced equipment is done regularly.

Our college students represent the College in the following events at the intercollegiate levels across the country: Athletics, Cross Country, Basketball, Kabaddi, Handball, Chess, Archery, Judo, Badminton, Boxing, Fencing, Taekwondo, Table Tennis and Throwball.

International Yoga Day 21st June 2019

Degree College - National Photos

Degree College - Inter Collegiate Competitions - Individual Events Photographs

Degree College- Inter Collegiate Sports Competitions Photographs

Degree College- State Level and Inter Zonal Level Players Photos

Department of Physical Education and Sports - Department Activities

The Department of Physical Education and Sports celebrated “International Yoga Day” on 21st June 2019, and conducted yoga, pranayama and meditation sessions for all the students and staff members of the College.

On 29th August 2019 to celebrate “National Sports Day” the department conducted a Zumba session on the college ground for all the students and staff members.

On 3rd December 2019, “World Disability Day”, the Department of Physical Education and Sports held a special session on extra-ordinary achievers in the field of para-sports (disabled players) to introduce the students to inspiring sports persons.

The college “Annual Sports Day” was organised by the Department of Physical Education and Sports on 19th December 2019 for students, teaching and non-teaching staff members of the College.

On 18th January 2020, the department organised a “Fit India Walkathon/ Cyclathon” for all students and teachers to spread awareness of physical and mental fitness.

Guest Lecture

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organised a guest lecture by Ms. Vaishnavi Vinod Jagtap- Indian Para-Swimmer who was diagnosed, at birth, with “spina bifida with myelomeningocele” which resulted in the inability to use 75% of her body, including legs. This didn’t deter the young, inspiring girl studying in Standard 12 who has participated thrice in International Swimming Competitions.

Extra-Credit Courses

The Department of Physical Education and Sports Adventurous conducted a Sports Credit Course, for 2 credits, from 5 th February 2020 to 7 th March 2020. The credit course covered 2 treks and wall climbing. The trek to the Sinhagad fort was undertaken on 15 th February 2020, and to the Torna fort on 19 th February 2020. The wall climbing activity, on an artificial wall, was conducted on 29 th February 2019.


Intra Collegiate Sports Competition was held at Sports Ground on 19th December 2019

Event 1 : 100 mts Running
Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Roll No
1 Girija Barawkar XII Arts EM 454
2 Palak Agarwal XI Arts EM 48
3 Rutuja Kawade FYBCOM A -
Event 2 : Shot Put
Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Roll No
1 Mamta Chourasia MCOM -
2 Sai Kalane XI Com 1053
3 Nishtia Jadhav XI Com B XI Com B
Event 3 : Long Jump
Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Roll No
1 Diksha Dhumal XII Arts MM 601
2 Shubhangi Mahajan SYBCOM B 3837
3 Bhawana Kumari FY.BBA 21978
Event 4 : 4x50 mts Shuttle Relay

1st Place

Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Roll No
1 Poonam Choudhary FYBCOM C 3401
2 Kiran Choudhary FYBCOM C 3408
3 Nikita Koli FYBCOM C 3518

2nd Place

Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Roll No
1 Palak Agarwal XI Arts EM 45
2 Priyanka Shinde XI Arts EM 90
3 Harshal Rapol XI Arts EM 63
4 Chandani Lal XI Arts EM 19

3rd Place

Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Roll No
1 Anha Khan FYBA A 2276
2 Siddiqua Firfiray FYBA A 2310
3 Sakshi Punjabi FYBA A 2248
4 Narayani Singh FYBA A 2225
1. Tug of War (Degree College)

1st Place – Winner – FYBCOM ‘A’

Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No
1 Rutuja Kawade 3054
2 Shital Mahadik 3058
3 Nilofer Shaikh 3035
4 Shrikala Reddy 3088
5 Sai Kachare 3053
6 Sonali Satpute 3101
7 Jiya Saju 3038
8 Harshada Undre 3019
9 Sakshi Mallik 3071
10 Gauri Raibhan 3109
11 Rupali Upadhyay 3092
12 Barsha Bishoyi 3098

2ndPlace – SYBA ‘A’

Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No
1 Khushboo Kumari 2602
2 Kasinam Dabi 2608
3 Shravani D’Souza 2614
4 Priyanka sethi 2703
5 NamrataDatta 2712
6 Ummesalama Karie 2801
7 Shruti Nimkar 2813
8 Yashada Dixit 2853
9 Titiksha Padir 2855
10 Anisha Jael Vipparti 2869
11 Ummeaiman Rampurwala 2872
12 Sakshi Gulwani 2874
Tug of War (Junior College)

1st Place – Winner – XI ARTS EM

Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No
1 Priya Sharma 25
2 Priyanshi Bhandari 119
3 Kuhu Shrivastava 11
4 Janvi Nair 46
5 Sakshi Singh 98
6 Swaleha Pathan 64
7 Khushi Bhandari 17
8 Ishikapatel 33
9 Gracey Gaware 78
10 Sakina Bharmal 75
11 Tani Pingale 55
12 Lakshika Thawani 38

2nd Place – Winner- XI COMMERCE ‘A’

Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No
1 Sai Kalane 1053
2 Aarzoo Shaikh1043 1043
3 Pavitra Ganeshan 1082
4 Suhani Yadav 1068
5 Khushi Kundal 1012
6 Shrushti Darawade 1020
7 Sanjana Pardeshi 1104
8 Chahat Ramnani 1025
9 Sania Khan 1052
10 Vaishnavi Patil 1086
11 Triveni Naidu 1074
12 Jassu Joping 1092
Individual Games for Staff

1. Musical Chairs

Sr. No. Name of the Student Place
1 Sonia Chavan First Place
2 Vibha Rathod Second Place
3 Smita Mokashe Third Place

2. 50x4mts Shuttle Relay


Sr. No. Name of the Student Place
1 Komal Tujare
2 Minal Sumant
3 Jyoti Saletittal
4 Anita D’cunha

Runner Up

Sr. No. Name of the Student Place
1 Aarti Kulkarni
2 Shraddha Joshi
3 Seema Thakore
4 SmitaTirthakar

3. Lemon & Spoon for Staff

Sr. No. Name Place
1 Aarti Kulkarni First
2 Shraddha Joshi Second
3 Smita Tirthakar Second
4 Fariya Inamdar Third

4. Lemon & Spoon for Peons

Sr. No. Name Place
1 Varsha Deshmukh First
2 Manda Gaikwad Second
3 Shaku Naik Third

Inter-Collegiate Sports Competition

The Physical Education Department of St. Mira’s College organized an interclass sports competition on 19th December 2019. More than 500 athletes participated and successfully competed in different events.

The interclass sports competition was inaugurated by Ms. Aparna Prabhudesai, our “Mountaineering Veer”, and was presided over by our Principal Dr. Gulshan Gidwani. The sports competition began with the lighting of the torch by our chief guest Ms. Aparna Prabhudesai at the college ground. Our All India University player, Ms. Muskan Bishnoi with all the athletes brought the burning torch from the stage to the college ground. All the St. Mira’s athlete escorted the torch to the college ground.

Principal Dr. Gulshan Gidwani welcomed the chief guest Ms. Aparna Prabhudesai, giving her a book written by our spiritual Guru Dada J P Vaswani as a token of our love and appreciation. Ms. Prabhudesai declared the sports meet open by releasing the balloons. She gave an inspiring speech on health and physical fitness and explained the importance of physical fitness in day to day life.

Ms. Suvarna Deolankar, Ms. Gurbans Kaur, Mr. Balkrishna Bhandari put in a lot of effort into the successful organizing of the Sports Day. Vice Principal-Dr. Shalini Iyer, Coordinator-Ms. Stella Ambrose, Registrar-Ms. Gauri Mhalgi, Librarian-Ms.Devinder Kaur and the staff members were present for the inaugural function.

The students put in their best efforts into various events like Athletics, Throwing and Jumping,showcasing their talent. A total of 16 teams from the Degree College and 12 teams from the Junior College actively participated in the Tug of War event and made it one of the most amazing events of the meet.

Along with the students, the teaching and non-teaching staff also enthusiastically participated in several events.

Inter- Collegiate Table Tennis Competition - held at S.P. College on 10th August 2019

Result - St. Mira’s College team secured Second place.

List of Participants - Jake Thomas (TYBA), Anjali Gaur (SYBCom), Pushpanjali Yadav (MCom), Caron Baptish (SYBCom)

Inter - Collegiate Cross Country Competition - held at S.P.P.U, Pune on 13th August 2020

Result - St. Mira’s Collegeteam secured Second place.

List of Participants - Snehanjali Yadav (TYBCom), Sampada Buchade (TYBA), Parmeshwari Sahu (TYBCom), Vishakha Pawar (TYBCom), Ankita Parthe (TYBCom)

Inter- Collegiate Yoga Competition - held at VIIT College on 19th August 2019

Result - St. Mira’s Collegeteam secure Second place

List of Participants - Namrata Datta (SYBA), Priya Bhadoriya (SYBCom), Kiran Choudhari (FYBCom), Komal Soni (FYBCom), Kajal Yadav (FYBCom), Rupali Upadhya (FYBCom)

International Yoga Day 21st June 2019

The 5th International Yoga Day was celebrated at St. Mira’s College for Girls today to spread the message of peace, harmony and unity between man and nature in keeping with this year’s theme – “Climate Action”. The programme was well-attended by the staff and students. It was conducted by the Director of Physical Education, Ms. Ekta Jadhav. The Chief Guest was our senior-most Sports Coach, Maharashtra State Jijamata Awardee Ms. Gurbans Kaur. The programme commenced with a brief introduction to Yoga and its importance in day to day life followed by the sports students’ outstanding display of Yoga Pyramids and different yoga postures like the Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Ardhachakhrasan, Vakrasana, Vajrasana, Shashankasana, Ardha Ustrasana, Paschimottanasana, etc., and ended with Pranayam and meditation. The protocol given by Ministry of Ayush-Government of India was strictly adhered to.

Yoga is India’s gift to the world. It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice. The International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga, especially among the present generation, guiding them to healthier lifestyle choices and patterns.