Entrepreneurship Fest - Dept. of Business Studies, 9 th August to 30 th September 2023
Entrepreneurship Fest - Dept. of Business Studies, 9 th August to 30 th September 2023
An Entrepreneurship Fest was organized by the Dept. of Business Studies from 9 th
August to 30 th September,2023 on College premises by TY BCOM & BE students. A total
of 10 teams participated in the fest; 44 student participants, in all. Different stalls were put
up by the students viz. Cakes, Chaat items, Mehndi and Rakhi stalls, Dream-catchers etc.
The outcomes of the fest were as follows: Business Planning and team work;
Marketing & promotion strategies; Selling & preparing income statement; Use of
Sustainability in business and Provide good Customer service & feedback.
The objective of the fest was to gain knowledge on ideation, marketing, selling,
costing and accounting of a business, the process and skills required. Each and every stall got
an overwhelming response and the students appreciated the feedback, as well. It was very
encouraging for the students as all the stall owners earned profit. All in all it was successful
fest where students actively participated and had a great learning experience. The teacher co-
ordinator was Dr Rama Venkat.