Indira Student Research Conference: First Prize Winners
Indira Student Research Conference: First Prize Winners
Ms. Ritika Mohite and Ms. Reenaz Lakhani, students of TYBCOM, Banking Specialization
won the First Prize, along with a cash prize of Rs. 5000/-at the Indira Students Research
Conference held at Indira College of Commerce and Science, Pune on Oct 17, 2022. The
theme for the Conference was Digitalization in Commerce. Ms. Mohite and Ms. Lakhani
presented a paper titled ‘A Study of Street Vendors on the Acceptability of Digital Payment
and Awareness of PMSVANidhi Programme in Pune City.’
Ms. Sarita Karanje and Ms. Tamanna Lund, TYBCOM, Banking Specialization, participated
in the Indira Students Research Conference and presented a paper on ‘Small Finance Banks
for Inclusive growth: A Review of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank for Digital Inclusion’ while
Ms. Karishma Suhanda presented a paper on ‘A Review of the Ban History Of Digital
Currency world over and Impact on Central Bank Digital Currency and its developments.’