Industrial Visit to Pranav Vikas (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2023-2024)
Industrial Visit to Pranav Vikas (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2023-2024)
Department of Business Studies under the guidance of Mrs. Shanthi Fernandes organised a
visit to Pranav Vikas (India) Pvt. Ltd. on 17th February 2024 for TYBCOM-Business
Administration students to provide an industrial exposure of manufacturing facilities, plant
layout and production process. Mr. Vinay Maggu, Plant Head, welcomed and provided best
wishes to the learners. Mr. Rakesh Dhopte, Finance Head, gave a brief exposure on various
aspects of the financial process involved in a production unit. Mr. Prasanna Ambekar, HR
Head, introduced the Vikas Group and its various plants. He explained the organizational
processes, core values and manufacturing processes in detail, which was followed by the
plant visit, where the learners were explained about the purchase process, manufacturing
process of aluminium exchangers, thermal management systems, material handling,
packaging, storage and waste management. The plant visit was coordinated by Ms. Baishali
Deb and Ms. Deepali Naik. A total of 42 learners participated in the visit.
We are very grateful to the management heads and the staff of Pranav Vikas (India) Pvt. Ltd.
for their whole hearted support, guidance, facilitating practical experience and excellent