St. Mira's College For Girls, Pune

Autonomous - Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University * Undertaking

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  • A++
Re-accredited by NAAC 'A' Grade (Third Cycle June 2017) 2017 : NAAC score 3.41 2012 : NAAC score 3.03 Awarded: Best College-SPPU (2002); , UGC-CPE (2005), UGC-CPE (2010)

Library 2022-23

Choose Right Articles for Assignments and Finding Case Studies with EBSCO Resources”(2022-23)

The College Library organized atraining programme on EBSCO Databases for students of first year across all streams on 13th September 2022 in the Audio-Visual Room of the college. This training was aimed to equip students with searching skills to access the required information from databases namely-Academic Search Elite, Master File Elite and EBSCO Literary Reference Centre.

The databases were demonstrated from the library webpage on the institutional website, The trainer explained the searching process with topics- Downfall of Indian Economy, Strategic Business, Marketing, etc. as recommended by students. To refine results various filters and facets were explained including- Full text, Scholarly/Peer-reviewed Journals, Publication dates, Source Type, Publisher, Company, Language, Geography and format. Further, useful features like- saving the articles in folder, share, create an E-mail alertand selection of ‘Subject Thesaurus Term’, sharing PDF articles via email and permalink were shown. Explanation also included different citing styles, listening to HTML articles, translation and notes creation including downloading of EBSCO Mobile App and its features. At the end student participated in the quiz on the EBSCO platform. A total of 305students participated in the training.The resource person was Mr Gaurav Date from -EBSCO Inf. Services India Pvt. The programme was convened by Mrs Devinder Kaur- Librarian.