St. Mira's College For Girls, Pune

Autonomous - Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University * Undertaking

  • A--
  • A-
  • A
  • A+
  • A++
Re-accredited by NAAC 'A' Grade (Third Cycle June 2017) 2017 : NAAC score 3.41 2012 : NAAC score 3.03 Awarded: Best College-SPPU (2002); , UGC-CPE (2005), UGC-CPE (2010)



St. Mira’s College maintains an “Open Door Policy” for all its students and staff; should a student or staff wish to discuss a matter with a Lecturer, Administrator, Vice-Principal, or Principal, she can seek a meeting. Additionally, a dropbox for suggestions and complaints is available on-premises. The purpose of the “Open Door Policy” is to encourage communication and maintain an open, conducive, and fair environment for grievance redressal. Students, for example, with grievances related to academics can reach out to the concerned faculty or grievances related to examinations, can approach the Controller of Examinations. Aggrieved students can also register formal complaints. The College has put in place the mandatory grievance redressal procedures for the resolution of all grievances. A centralised Grievance Redressal Committee with various sub-committees responsively redresses every grievance received.

Collegiate Student Grievance Redressal Committee (CSGRC- as per UGC Regulations of 2019)

1 Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan Principal-In-Charge Chairperson
2 Dr. Shalini Iyer Vice Principal Member
3 Ms. Elizabeth Kanade Senior Teaching Faculty Member
4 Dr. Dimple Buche Senior Teaching Faculty Member
5 Ms. Haseena Shaikh Senior Teaching Faculty Member
6 Ms. Rekha Kankariya Senior Teaching Faculty Member
7 Ms Umme salama Karu Student Representative Member, Special Invitee


For online submission of grievances:

Fill in all the details required in the form and submit it online. Kindly scan and attach the supporting documents.

Click Here - The grievance redressal form can be submitted online OR in hardcopy.


For offline/hardcopy submission of grievances:

Print, fill and submit the grievance redressal form in hardcopy,with the supporting documents, to the coordinator of the grievance cell, Ms. Suhaile Azavedo, at the English Department cubicle, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11.00 to 11.30 am.

Print Form

The email ID of the Grievance Cell is

Procedure for Redressal:

Once the student submits her grievance, the concerned committee initiates the necessary action. It involves a process of an investigation conducted in a strictly confidential manner. While dealing with the complaint, the committee will observe the law of natural justice and provide a fair hearing to the complainant and concerned parties, After verifying the facts, the concerned committee will redress and resolve the grievance. The final report of findings will be submitted to the Principal; a further course of action will be decided and the same shall be intimated to the aggrieved student. A reasonable timeframe of a month from the receipt of the student’s application will be maintained.

Click Here for St. Mira’s College Grievance Redressal Policy and Procedures Document.

Links to Committees: