- Choose Right Articles for Assignments and Finding Case Studies with EBSCO Resources”(2022-23)
- Library Orientation for 12th Std. Students (2022-23)
- Library Orientation for First Year Students of Degree College’
- Book Exhibition: Celebrating National Librarians’ Day (2022-23)
- Celebration of ‘Reading Day’
About Library
The College offers a spacious, computerized and rich in collection library. The library is spread across two levels with a total area of 10499 sq ft. The library has a seating capacity for 400 readers. Library’s collection comprises of both print and e-resources. It is the centre of all academic activities, which provides necessary facilities to its readers to achieve proficiency in their respective fields and to incorporate general knowledge. The aspect of mental development is fully supported by the library.
The Library stocks necessary study material for preparing for various competitive examinations like: MBA, JEE, NEET, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, NET/SET, UPSC, MPSC as well as material on interviews, group discussion, personality development, etc. Apart from academic, reference and general, we have collections in Sindhi and Hindi languages which are growing with book distribution schemes of NCPSL and CHD respectively. A collection of books of our founder Sadhu T L Vaswani and our guiding force Dada J P Vaswani is a valuable one for Value Education programmes.
The Library has automated all its functions by the use of SLIM21 software version 3.9
Users have access to Databases and NLIST-programme for scholarly e-contents.
Provision of Online Catalogue- enriched with book covers, key words, summaries, QR Codes, Google Previews, previous years’ question papers, journals, articles, etc. It encompasses search boxes for direct searching of databases, NLIST and e-journals.
We are maintaining a blog to update library users about latest happenings in different fields and new trends.
Library caters to the needs of Divyang Students (Visually Impaired).
Reading Day programmes, Library Orientation, Information Literacy and Training Session are conducted for students and faculty.
Current Awareness Services include- Table of Contents, New Arrivals and Blog.
Resources’ Awareness efforts include; ‘Book Displays’, being arranged on days of importance and birthdays of great personalities.
Library Timings
The Library is open for 10 hrs a day on all days except Sundays and Public/college holidays:
Working hours: 7.30 AM to 5.30 PM
Issuing Timings: 9.00 AM to 3.30 PM on all days.
Despite these timings library provides all kinds of material for consultation during full working hours.
Digital Repository
The Library maintains an Institutional Repository by the use of DSpace software. Campus wide access is available on intranet. User can access to important contents in the digital form as mentioned below:
- Syllabus.
- Previous years’ question papers.
- News paper clippings.
- Audio-visual files related to various college programmes.
Print Journals with e-access
Subscribed E-RESOURCE
- EBSCO Academic Search Elite : Provides access to >2258 e-journals covering subjects in categories like Arts & Entertainment , Business , Communication, Education, General Interest , History, Literature & Writings, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Religion, Science, Social Sciences & Humanities, Sports & Leisure, Technology, Psychology, Computer Science etc.
- Master File Elite: Provides full text for magazines and publications covering many general interest topics including business, health, education, general science and multicultural issues.
- 943 full text magazines and journals.
- More than 20 full text reference books.
- More than 1.9 million photos, maps and flags
- EBSCO Literary Reference Centre: It is a rich full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems.
- NLIST: Through this database users have access to 6000+ e-journals and 1,99,500+ ebooks under N-LIST and 6,00,000 e-books through NDL.
Open Access Resources
Search Articles in EBSCOhost Databases
Please type the word/s or phrase/s in the search box on the right.
EBSCO Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Elite contains full text for more than 2,100 journals from 50 disciplines, Nearly 150 journals have PDF images dating back to 1985.
EBSCO- Literary Reference Center
This database provides access to full text plot summaries, synopses and work overviews; articles/essays of literary criticism; more than 230,000 author biographies 370 literary journals; book reviews; classic and contemporary poems; classic and contemporary short stories; author interviews; classic texts; and much more.
N-LIST Programme
Under this programme user can get access to valuable e-resources- > 6000 e-journals (including current issues with 5-10 years back-files) and > 31, 350,00 e-books. With provided passwords reader can access to these e-resources.
Special Services
Special Services for Visually- Impaired Students
- Braille papers are provided free of cost for making notes.
- Provision of recording of books and class notes.
- Readers are arranged for reading aloud to them.
- Writers are arranged for writing their exams.
- The library maintains a special Audio Cassette Unit for them.
Library Collection Print Resources
- Books – 64350
- Back volumes-3305
- Sadhu Vaswani and Dada J P Vaswani Collection - 1400
- Student Projects - 2601
- Manuscripts - 13
- Thesis - 45
- Braille Books- 47
Periodicals (Print)
- Journals (subscribed) = 19
- Magazines = 14
- News Papers = 17
E- Resources
- CD/DVD -3223
- Digital Repository Files = 2538
- E-books – 7,99,500 + (Under NLIST - Inflibnet)
- E-Journals in Database – 9603+ (NLIST+EBSCO)
Who can be a Member of the Library ?
- All bonafide students of the college
- Ex-staff and students
- Parent body
- Sister Institutes
- Other Colleges
- Information seekers from all corners of the society (as per the rules of the institute)
Institutional Membership
Our College has collaborated with the ‘Jayakar Knowledge Resource Centre’ of Savitribai Phule Pune University for its valuable print and E-resources.
Library Portal
Print journal with free e-access
- Psychology and Developing Societies
- Contributions to Indian Sociology
- Social Change
- Foreign Trade Review
- Electronics for You
- Open Source for You (Linux for You)
- Science Reporter
- Down to Earth
Open Access E-Resources
- Video Lectures: NPTEL
- Indian Open Access Journals
- Indian Academy of Sciences Journals
- Theses & Dissertations (Shodhganga )
- Synopses/Research Proposals for PhD programme (ShodhGangotri)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Open Source resources on Shakespeare
- Wiley Open Access
- Science Direct
- Springer Open Journals
- Taylor and Francis Online
- UNESCO Social & Human Sciences Online Periodicals
- Merriam-Webster online
- Dictionary
- Google Scholar
rovides access to tables of contents of scholarly journals
Indian Institutional Repositories
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
International Institutional Repository
Services & Facilities
Current Awareness Services
Table of Contents (TOCs)
- To keep the faculty abreast of latest developments in their subjects, library sends monthly TOCs via e-mail. This service includes scanned as well as electronic Table of Content pages of print journal.
- Display of newly acquired books in the “New Arrivals Rack” are shelved in a separate rack in the lounge area for wider visibility and easy location.
- New Arrivals List is displayed on the notice boards on monthly basis and it is also posted on the library blog.
QR codes in WebOPAC:
Provision of QR codes in online catalogue helps the user to scan the code through her mobile to save bibliographical details of required books, CDs, and journals. They can immediately go online to search the hyperlinked extra information of book and journal website.
Google Previews
Google previews are available for books in the library catalogue.
The library houses general and subject encyclopaedias, dictionaries, biographical resources, directories, etc. to fulfill reference needs of staff and students. Library staff provides personal assistance in locating the information.
Top Ten Readers
With an aim to increase usage of library resources, monthly ‘Top Ten Readers’ are announced. Both staff and students are considered for the same. Names of students having maximum home lending transactions and books consulted in the library are displayed on notice boards.
ILL (Inter Library Loan Service)
The library provides Inter Library Loan Services to members of our sister institutes and Parent Body and other colleges.
Display of Birthdays
of great ones of humanity on monthly basis. Also, book jackets & books related to one of the personalities are displayed in the area near library reading hall.

Information Literacy Programmes:
User Orientation and Awareness
User Orientation and awareness is provided at the beginning of the academic year to Degree College and Junior College students. 6 to 7 such sessions are organized for this purpose. Apart from this further assistance is provided in the library throughout the year.
Database Search Workshop
The library conducts workshop for faculty and students with an aim to equip them with necessary skills to retrieve the needed information and manage the search results efficiently
Celebration of Important Days
The library celebrates following days by exhibiting relevant books and conducting activities:
- Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Padharvada
- Hindi Day
- Reading Inspiration Day
- Marathi Day
Showcase of Library Collection
Every month the library displays reading material from its existing collection on important days and birth anniversaries of great personalities. This increases visibility of collection from different subjects. Displays are also aligned with college seminars, conferences and other activities.
Book Exhibition
Yearly Book Exhibition of new book is organized. Faculty and students take advantage of browsing and selecting books from various publishers under one roof.
The library provides reprography service for photocopying important information from reference books, journals, newspapers, previous years’ question papers as per need of the users.
Information Deployment and Notification
Information about new arrivals is communicated through library blog, WebOPAC and notice board. Useful news clippings are regularly displayed on the boards and also uploaded in the digital repository. On monthly basis, Table of Contents of important journals subscribed by library are e-mailed to respective faculty members to keep them abreast of the latest developments in their fields. Important journal articles are indexed in library software which are searchable in webOPAC.
Institutional Repository
The library has set up an Institutional Repository by using open source software- DSpace. The contents uploaded in this software include: syllabus, previous years’ question papers, photos, Video & audio files of skits prepared by the college on the life and works of our founder Sadhu T L Vaswani and our mentor Dada J P Vaswani, News Paper clippings, etc.
Rules & Regulations
- I-card is a must for all library transactions.
- Membership is valid for one academic year and needs to be renewed every year.
- Students and staff are expected to enter their roll numbers in the attendance register provided at the entrance of the library
- Bags shall be deposited at the property counter without fail and members are requested to not to keep their cash, mobiles and other valuable items in their bags. Users are requested to take away their bags while leaving the library.
- Before leaving the circulation counter please check the sound condition of reading materials. If any damage is found, please bring the matter to the notice of library assistant.
- Late return of reading material will attract fine to the tune of Rs. 2/ per book for the first week and Rs.5/ for rest of the period.
- Book can be re-issued provided the same is not in demand by other members.
- Silence is to be maintained in the reading hall.
- Please refrain from talking on phones in the library premises.
- Member must make sure to return all the library material issued to them for consultation before leaving the reading room.
- If any book is not available in our library, institutional membership facility can be used.
Table of Contents of subscribed journals
Please click the required title
Books are my real friends. They never argue. They Think for me. And the thoughts I get from them are superb!
......Dada J P Vaswani
Journal Holdings
Periodicals : Subscribed and Gratis
List of Academic Periodicals: National
- Andolan Shaswat Vikasasathi
- Arthabodhpatrika
- Baliraja
- Bank Quest
- Bhawan's Journal
- Down to Earth (Print plus free online access)
- East & West Series
- Economic & Political Weekly
- Economic Challenger
- Edutracks
- EFL Journal
- Electronics for You (Print plus free online access)
- Focus WTO
- Human Capital
- Indian Journal of of Public Administration
- Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Indian Journal of Gender Studies (Print plus free online access)
- Indian Journal of Industrial Relations
- Indian Journal of Marketing
- Indian Literature
- Journal of Contemporary Thought
- Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Indian Writing in English
- Kadambini
- Kavyabharati
- Literary Criterion
- Lokrajya
- Maharashtra Sahitya Patrika
- Mainstream weekly
- Management Accountant
- Navneet
- Open Source for you (Print plus free online access)
- Psychological Studies
- Retailer
- Sadhana
- Samaj Kalyan
- Samajwadi Adhyapak
- Science Reporter (Print plus free online access)
- Shikshan Sankraman
- Social Scientist
- Social Welfare
- University News
- Yojana
Gratis Magazines
- Careers 360
- Chintan Aadesh
- Dil Ka Dwar Khol
- Hindvasi
- Inspira
- Karuna Antarrashtriya Newsletter
- Rishtan Jo Sansar
- Sindhi Gulshan
- Span
- Vyanga Yatra
List of Academic Periodicals: International
- Contributions to Indian Sociology (Print plus free online access)
- Foreign Trade Review (Print plus free online access)
- Psychology and Developing Societies (Print plus free online access)
List of Academic Periodicals: Gratis
- Careers 360
- Chintan Aadesh
- Compassionate Friend
- Culturama
- Dawn
- Dil Ka Diwar Khol
- Dnyan Vitaranam
- Dream 2047
- Hindustani
- Hindwasi
- Inspira
- Karuna: International Newsletter
- Mahaanubhav
- Mahila Vishva
- Nagari Sangam
- Om Shanti Media
- Paryavaran Digest
- Priya Rasik
- Rachna
- Rishtan Jo Sansar
- Sahitya Bharati
- Sampada
- Sarjak Udgar
- Sevartha
- Shabd Sarokar
- Sindhu Gulshan
- Sipoon
- Span
- Amrutwel Governance
- Amrutwel Money Plus
- Business World
- Competition Success Review
- Employment News
- Femina
- Hindu in School
- India Today
- Lokprabha
- Reader's Digest
- Saptahik Sakal
- Savvy
- Sportstar
- Woman's Era
- Aaj Ka Anand
- Agrowon
- Business Line
- Business Standard
- Economic Times
- Financial Express
- Indian Express
- Lokmat
- Lokstatta
- Maharashtra Times
- Mint
- Navbharat Times
- Pune Mirror
- Sakal
- Sakal Times
- Speaking Tree
- Times of India
New Arrivals
- January 2024
- December 2023
- November 2023
- Oct 2023
- September 2023
- August 2023
- July 2023
- April-May-June 2023
- March 2023
- Feb 2023
- January 2023
- Dec 2022
- Nov 2022
- oct 2022
- July to Sept 2022
- June 2022
- April-May 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- August-September-October 2021
- May-July 2021
- March-April 2021
- February 2021
- January 2021
- December 2020
- February 2020
- January 2020
- December 2019
- November 2019
- October 2019
- September 2019
- August 2019
- July 2019
- April 2019
- March 2019
- February 2019
- January 2019
- December 2018
- November 2018
- July 2018
Contact us