Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan
The Principal In-charge, Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan is a Ph.D. in Psychology awarded by the Savitribai Phule Pune University. As an academician, she hascontributed towards curriculum design, research publications,offered consultancy services toexternalagencies. Her key focus areas are Body Image,Self-esteem, Quality initiatives in education,BehaviouralEconomics, Clinical Psychology, Mental Well-Being.
Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan has served our institution asfaculty, thenHead, Department of Psychology, as the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Coordinator,Co-ordinatorof the Counselling Cell and Grievance Redressal Forum.
Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan has played an important role inseveralimportant departmental expansions which include initiating a Post-graduate Diploma Program in MindfulnessBased Listening, Post-graduate Diploma in DanceMovement Therapy,Post-graduateDiploma in Clinical Music Therapy(Delhi), Certificate PrograminSchool Counselling, Certificate PrograminDisability-Awareness andInclusion. These courseshave beenlisted and acknowledged as unique courses offered in Higher Educational Institutes acrossthe country.
Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan has played a critical role in developing and leading the mental well-beingprogramat St. Mira’s College, with an emphasis on prevention andintervention.She is the ideal blend ofcreativity, clarity of thought andcommitment to her work and students- qualities most suited for aleader to steer the institution towards further academicexcellence.