- History 2016-21
- Economics G2 2016-21
- Economics S1 2016-21
- Economics S2 2016-21
- Sociology G2 2016-21
- Sociology S1 2016-21
- Sociology S2 2016-21
- English S1 2016-21
- English S2 2016-21
- Psychology G2 2016-21
- Psychology S1 2016-21
- Psychology S2 2016-21
- English G2 2016-21
- Value Based Education 2016-21
- Comp Eng EM 2016-21
- Comp Eng MM 2016-21
- Hindi 2016-21
- Marathi 2016-21
- Education 2016-21
- Politics 2016-21
- Economics S4 2017-22
- Sociology G3 2017-22
- Sociology S3 2017-22
- Sociology S4 2017-22
- Optional English G3 2017-22
- Psychology S3 2017-22
- English S3
- English S4 2017-22
- Psychology G3 2017-22
- Psychology S3 2017-22
- Psychology S4 2017-22
- Comp English EM 2017-22
- Comp English MM 2017-22
- Hindi 2017-22
- Marathi 2017-22
- Politics G3 2017-22
- History G3 2017-22
- Education G3 2017-22
- Economics G3 2017-22
- Economics S2 2017-22
- Cover
- Index
- LONG TERM FIN 2017-22
- HRM 2017-22
- BPM 2017-22
- EM 2017-22
- OB 2017-22
- ECOMM 2017-22
- FIN SERVICES 2017-22
- LABOUR LAW 2017-22
- CASES IN FIN 2017-22
- CASES IN MARK 2017-22
- CASES IN HRM 2017-22
- SCM 2017-22
- ED 2017-22
- LAW 2017-22
- RM 2017-22
- ANAL OF FIN STAT 2017-22
- SALES MGMT 2017-22
- HR PRACTICES 2017-22
- Banking and Finance-III 2017-22
- Business Adm-II 2017-22
- Business Adm-III 2017-22
- BE-II 2017-22
- BE-III 2017-22
- Marketing-II 2017-22
- Marketing-III 2017-22
- Cost Accounting-II 2017-22
- Costing-III 2017-22
- Mercantile Law 2017-22
- Advanded Accountancy 2017-22
- Practical Auditing 2017-22
- Indian Economy 2017-22
- International Economics 2017-22
- Banking and Finance-II 2017-22
- Graph Theory 2020-23
- Linear Algebra 2020-23
- Method Of Applied Statistics 2020-23
- Statistics Practical-I 2020-23
- Instrumentation System 2020-23
- Basics Of Computer Organisation 2020-23
- Practical On C DBMS 2020-23
- Mathematics Practical 2020-23
- Statistics Practical-1 2020-23
- Electronics Practical 2020-23
- Computer Practical 2020-23
- Mathematics Practical 2020-23
- Statistics Practical-II 2020-23
- Electronics Practical 2020-23
- Database Management System 2020-23
- Problem Solving Using C 2020-23
- Discrete Mathematics 2020-23
- Calculus And Number Theory 2020-23
- Discreptive Statistics 2020-23
- Mathematical Statistics 2020-23
- Semiconductor Devices 2020-23
- Principles Of Digital Electronics 2020-23
- Advanced C 2020-23
- Relational Database 2020-23
- Digital System Design 2016-21
- Analog System 2016-21
- English 2016-21
- OOPS 2016-21
- Software Engineering 2016-21
- Computational Geometry 2016-21
- Operation Reasearch 2016-21
- PIC Architecture 2016-21
- Comunication Principle 2016-21
- English 2016-21
- Lab CourseI 2016-21
- Lab Course-II 2016-21
- Maths Practical 2016-21
- Eletronics Practical 2016-21
- EVS 2016-21
- Data Structure Using C 2016-21
- Relational Database Management System 2016-21
- Mathematical Approach to Algorithm 2016-21
- Numerical Analysis 2016-21
- Theoretical Computer Science 2017-2022
- Computer Networks-I 2017-2022
- Internet Programming-I 2017-2022
- Programming in Java-I 2017-2022
- Object Oriented Software Engineering 2017-2022
- Operation System 2017-22
- Compiler Construction 2017-22
- Computer Networks-II 2017-22
- Internet Programming-II 2017-2022
- Programming in Java-II 2017-2022
- Advance Management Database System 2017-2022
- Lab Course-I 2017-2022
- Lab Course-II 2017-2022
- Lab Course-III 2017-2022
- System Programming 2017-2022
- Macroeconomic Anaysis I 2016-21
- MA MEC 41603 Economics 2016-21
- MA MEC 41604 Economics 2016-21
- MA MEC 31603 Economics 2016-21
- MA MEC 31601 Economics 2016-21
- MA MEC 31602 Economics 2016-21
- MA MEC 31604 Economics 2016-21
- MA MEC 41602 Economics 2016-21
- Industrial Economics Elective 2020-23
- Macroeconomic Analysis CC 2020-23
- Growth And Development-I CC 2020-23
- Research Methodology CC 2020-23
- Rural Economics Elective 2020-23
- Urban Economics Elective 2020-23
- Micro Economics Analysis-I CC 2020-23
- Public Economics-I CC 2020-23
- International Trade CC 2020-23
- 1.1 English Literature 1550-1798 CC 2020-23
- 1.2 English Literature 1798-2000 CC 2020-23 CC 2020-23
- 1.3 Contemporary Studies in English Langauge Elective 2020-23
- 1.4 Literary Criticism Theory CC 2020-23
- 2.1 English Literature 1550-1798 CC 2020-23
- 2.2 English Literature 1798-2000 CC 2020-23
- 2.3 Contemporary Studies in English Langauge Elective 2020-23
- 2.4 Literary Criticism Theory CC 2020-23
- 3.1 Indian Writing in English CC 2020-23
- 3.2 British Poetry CC 2020-23
- 3.3 World Drama CC 2020-23
- 3.4 American Literature Elective 2020-23
- 4.1 Indian Writing in English CC 2020-23
- 4.2 International Voices CC 2020-23
- 4.3 World Drama CC 2020-23
- 4.4 American Literature Elective 2020-23
- MA MEG41603 ENGLISH_2016-21
- MA MEG41603 ENGLISH 2016-21
- MA MEG41604 ENGLISH 2016-21
- MA MEG31601 ENGLISH 2016-21
- MA MEG31602 ENGLISH 2016-21
- MA MEG31603 ENGLISH 2016-21
- MA MEG41601 ENGLISH 2016-21
- MA MEG41602 ENGLISH 2016-21
- Development Socialogical Perspectives 2016-21
- Application of Research Skills 2016-21
- Sociology of Culture and Cultural Studies 2016-21
- Sociology of Culture and Art 2016-21
- Introduction to Sociological Theories CC 2020-23
- Development-Sociological Perspectives CC 2020-23
- Application of Research Skills CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Culture and Cultural Studies CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Gender Elective 2020-23
- Globalization:Sociological Perspectives CC 2020-23
- Contemporary Social Theories CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Culture and Art CC 2020-23
- Ethnicity in India Elective 2020-23
- Classical Sociological Trasition CC 2020-23
- Sociology in India CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Education CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Maharashtra : Culture and Society Elective 2020-23
- Methodology of Social Research CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Media CC 2020-23
- Sociology of Labour Elective 2020-23
- MA MSL 41601 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 41602 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 41603 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 41604 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 31601 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 31602 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 31603 Sociology 2016-21
- MA MSL 31604 Sociology 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 41601 capitalmarket and fin services 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 41603 Recent Advances in Bus Adm 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 41604 project work 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 41805 goods and service tax 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 31601 business finance 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 31602 RM 2016-21
- MCOM MCM 31603 HRM 2016-21
- Mcom MCM 31604 behavioral finance 2016-21
- Business Finance 2020-23
- RM for Business 2020-23
- HR Mgt 2020-23
- Beh Finance 2020-23
- Advanced Auditing 2020-23
- Specialised Areas in Auditing 2020-23
- Cap Mkt Financial Services 2020-23
- Indtl Eco Environment 2020-23
- Recent Advances in Business Adm 2020-23
- Project Work (Business Adm) 2020-23
- GST 2020-23
- Project Work(Accts) 2020-23
- Mgt Accounting 2020-23
- Strategic Mgt 2020-23
- Prod Oper Mgt 2020-23
- Financial Mgt 2020-23
- Advanced Accounting 2020-23
- Income Tax 2020-23
- Financial Analysis Control 2020-23
- Indtl Eco 2020-23
- Business Ethics Prof Values 2020-23
- Elements of Knowledge Mgt 2020-23
- Specialised Areas in Accounting 2020-23
- BTA P 2020-23
- Software Project Management
- Prcatical On Advanced OS 2019-24
- Artificial Intelligence 2019-24
- WebServices 2019-24
- Cloud Computing 2019-24
- Paradigm Of Programming Langauge 2019-24
- Design And Analysis Of Algo 2019-24
- Database Technologies 2019-24
- Practical Based On PPL 2019-24
- Advanced Operating System 2019-24
- Mobile Techonolgies 2019-24
- Project 2019-24